Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the satrana (palm) house i stayed in when i was in the tanam-bary (rice field). you wouldnt believe the inside. hooked up wtih tv/radio/stereo, the whole deal! people move from thier homes to the rice fields for months at a time, so they really do it big on the inside. they have an electric generator... it was crazy...

the turkey that was killed for my second thanksgiving dinner. apetising? it was delicious

the "sarety" or ox cart i rode home. the field in the background is the rice-field i was living at for a few days... pretty beautiful

me and my volunteer friends with the feast spread out on our lamaka... who took the picture? a guy from Holland who was just "passing by" he was cool and does tours in Madagsacar and has for a while. it was a great meal/evening.

my volunteer friend and i having a sip before we feast for thanksgiving!

me after freshly killing the thanksgiving chicken, plucking and preparing him to be fried. i am really good at chicked stuff. who'dve thought. i think i will raise chickens when i get older....

me and bubs in my house.... right before thanksgiving.